Sunday 31 January 2016

Curriculum Evening – Health & Wellbeing

The Emotional and Mental Health information evening will take place in school on Thursday 4th February at 7pm. There is no cost for this evening, but we ask all interested parents / carers to book a place on Wisepay to give us an indication of the uptake. 

The aim of the evening is to highlight the importance the school places of developing happy, resilient and confident pupils. 

We will consider three main topics during the course of the evening: 
Mindfulness – to provide a brief outline of the many benefits of mindfulness for children, and to introduce the new Pawsb mindfulness programme 
Emotion Talks – to explain the programme for talking and learning about emotions and emotional well being that is used throughout the school 
Mindset – to discuss of how we foster a Growth Mindset in our pupils – the belief that intelligence and abilities can be developed through effort, persistence, trying different strategies and learning from mistakes.